Course Descriptions
PLS 276 - Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
1 Credit
Builds upon ethical situations and professional responsibilities. Students are provided with additional frameworks with which to undertake ethical analysis. Students will study paralegals as an emerging professional and efforts directed toward paralegal credentialing and regulation. Included are discussions concerning conclusions reached in the final report of the NYS Bar Association on Non-Lawyer Practice, and recommendations contained in the final report of the American Bar Association Non-Lawyer Activity in Law-Related Situations. Other areas covered include employment discrimination, substance abuse and continuing education requirements.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of PLS 260, or permission of program director.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Establish a framework from which to undertake an analysis of ethical problems.
2. Apply critical thinking techniques to view ethical dilemmas from the perspective of the involved players – supervising attorney, adversary, paralegal, client and the court.
3. Describe the ethical rules governing lawyers and paralegals in New York State and the grievance procedures available to the public.
4. Demonstrate ethical practical skills of:(a) Recognizing potential conflicts (b) Articulate procedures required to establish a screen against violating client confidentiality in a conflict situation (c) Demonstrate awareness of the need to be ever cognizant of behavior that may infringe upon laws prohibiting the unauthorized practice of law.
Course Offered Fall
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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025